

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Please take a look at Thet Swe Win’s piece in the Aljazeera about Myanmar which includes this uplifting sentence, “I believe we are now in a better place than ever before to come together as a nation to resist ethnic nationalism, destructive political polarisation and the military’s attempts to scare us into submission.” Hope springs eternal.

            Speaking of hope, I applaud you for portraying an upbeat response to your legislative situation. The WP says you walked into Congress yesterday with a smile & a bow to Rep RLD. Every paper quoted your comment about patience – “It doesn’t matter if it takes 6 minutes, 6 days, 6 weeks…”

The Seattle Times says that PJ is “providing a master class in how to wield power” & is playing bad cop. They speculate that you are secretly grateful to her for sticking to her guns by refusing to vote for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIB) unless the BBB is paired with it.

            The WP is using phrases like, “quell a rebellion,” “internecine conflict” & “imminent collapse,” but I am hoping that’s just some sensationalism to sell papers. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) is using that kind of language, too, when he talks about putting “civility at risk.” Best to ignore his inflammatory language, too. The Jacobin says JSG is the “billionaire’s Democrat” because he’s received “more than $450,000 from donors in the private equity and investment industry” who don’t want their taxes to go up.

Next time you go to Congress, pet Rep Susan Wild’s dog, Zoey, who joins her on the Hill frequently. Zoey’s cheerful spirit will help you stay positive.

Have you seen the zebras that are running around the DC area? They are sticking to Upper Marlboro where there’s plenty of grass to graze on & marshy lands to hide in. G reporter, Adam Gabbatt, tried to spot them but they eluded him. I hope they are never caught. They create a welcome diversion from all of the upheaval in Congress right now.




