

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I understand you spent time last night with U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (MJB), R-Ala. & 49 of your closest friends where you discussed strategy for the Jan 6 Electoral College Session. I am sorry to hear that you all are spending your Saturday nights on a conference call perseverating about the Presidential election. I find it odd that MJB is championing this cause & his hometown media outlet, AL.com, isn’t reporting on it. Shouldn’t you all be busy figuring out how to influence the GA election rather than conjuring up some political theater to keep your fans amused?

            I find this whole idea of overturning the election quite confusing. I thought the GOP Party was about states’ rights & minimizing the power of the federal government. In a 7/23/20 TIME article by David French, former Tea Party lawyer, writes that the Republican Party used to be about promoting local autonomy to “increase individuals’ control over the policies that most impact their lives.” If that’s the case, why would a group of Republicans be challenging votes that have been certified by the states? What happened to the GOP principle, “Hands Off Our States”?

            I know that you have convinced yourself that absentee ballots are bad. I know it’s easy to imagine that people could steal ballots, or pretend to be someone else, but when you play that out, you realize that it would be impossible to do that on a large scale & keep it secret.  If someone tried, there’d be plenty of evidence & no one has found any.

            The 117th Congress is being sworn in as I write. They are taking their oath, signing a book & bumping elbows. Isn’t it time they get down to the real business of governing rather than stoking factions & inciting violence about an election that has been certified? Let’s fight CV rather than fighting with each other.




