

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Today’s date is all 0s, 1s & 2s. It could be in Base 3. If it were, it would represent the 2nd day of the 1st month in the 61st year. Don’t you love math? It takes you into a world of pure logic. No emotion. Simple, clean, certain. Define your terms and start constructing. As I’ve told you before, math is therapeutic. You should give it a try.

            It’s too bad that your veto of the military spending bill was over-ridden. Of course, my objections to it are quite the opposite of yours, but it’s always nice when I can agree with something that you did. I really don’t think we need to be spending $1 million a minute on our military. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that expenditure & have not seen the math that the FCNL did to arrive at it. Nonetheless, I wonder if we need to spend more than the next 10 countries combined on our military.

            I know that changing the names of bases was part of your rationale to veto the bill & understand your concern that cancel culture may have gone too far. I saw your Dec 16 tweet about the proposal to change the name of Lincoln High in SF. Unfortunately, you were not fully informed about that one. A committee of SFUSD teachers identified 44 schools for name changes. Lincoln High was on the list because AL approved of the execution of 38 Sioux fighters who participated in the 1862 Dakota War. Certainly not his finest hour & something we should all be aware of, but Lincoln High will remain so named.

            I’m glad to know that you aren’t into cancel culture & hope you will overlook some of the imperfections of other politicians rather than vilifying them for their transgressions.

            Please hold my daughter in the Light today. She is flying to KCI. They’ve just had a big snow storm & she’s already texted me that fellow travelers are “not doing their best” at preventing the spread of CV. Perhaps she will do some math to calm her nerves. I encourage you to do the same.




