

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I understand that Melania is almost ready to go. Her shoes are packed. She’s said her goodbyes. All that’s left is to get on the plane tomorrow.

            I hope that you will be able to spend more time with her once you get to FL. You won’t be getting these letters any more so she will have to carry on my ministry efforts especially my encouragement to Be Your Best Self. Her campaign to “Be Best” is along the same lines. You can start by heeding her advice to be “kind & generous” & to “choose love over hatred.”

            While you are being kind & generous, please exercise caution when pardoning criminals. I don’t have anything against pardons. As MLK sermonized, forgiveness is the “Christian weapon against social evil. We are to go out with the spirt of forgiveness, heal the hurts, right the wrongs and change society with forgiveness,” but I would hope that the people you are forgiving are those who have repented & have a plan for remedying the harm that they have caused.

Rumor has it that you have a list of at least 100 people, including your buddy the South FL eye doctor, Dr. Salomon Melgen, who is in prison for several counts of health care fraud. I’m glad that you have given up on the idea of pardoning yourself, & hope that you will reconsider the case of Jeremy Ridgeway. He’s the 5th security contactor in the Blackwater incident who acknowledged that he & others in his unit killed unarmed civilians. He accepted responsibility because he couldn’t live with a lie. He sets an incredible example for us all so I hope you will pardon him as you have pardoned the other 4 in his unit.  

            I hope to someday hear you ask for forgiveness for the harm you have caused. Perhaps you will be ready to do that when you get settled in FL.





