

Dear Friend, DJT,

            I understand that today you are headed to Jupiter, FL to talk about the environment. Perhaps this will be the day that you acknowledge climate change & its potentially devastating effects on South Florida. As I’ve mentioned a few times Lake Okeechobee needs help. While it’s great that $250 million in federal money will be used for improvements, that’s only a tiny fraction of the $16.4 billion needed for restoration of the Everglades. Voters in FL also worry about the rapid rise in sea level.  I’m sure you are aware that could affect your property values. The aquifers used for drinking water are getting salty. African American neighborhoods are threatened by “climate gentrification.” Everyone is worried about hurricanes that are more intense than ever. If we could at least utter the words, “climate change,” we could start doing something about all of these problems.

            Our weather is freaky today & I can’t help thinking it has to do with climate change. We are having strong winds from the East blowing smoke everywhere. We might lose our power today if PG&E decides that their power lines might blow down. I know CA has been having fires since long before humans started emitting excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, but I think we’re setting a record this year, so I’m blaming our fire condition on climate change.

            I know that you love nature as much as anybody, so please consider doing more to preserve our planet.




