


            So glad your schedule today includes a meeting with States’ Attorneys General on protecting consumers from social media abuses. I have been the subject of the “abuse” by Facebook. That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I am NOT happy with them & no longer use my account. I got mad when they wouldn’t respond to my request for help to stop a hacker from stealing my info. None of their suggestions for fixing the problem worked & they did’t respond to my emails. Since they weren’t taking care of my info, I decided to stop giving it to them. Recently, I tried to reactivate the account. That didn’t work & again they were unresponsive. I miss knowing what my cousins are up to, but otherwise living without FB is AOK. I use Twitter sometimes, but not as much as you do. I don’t have any complaints against them. Do you?

            How was your trip to PA yesterday? Your rally wasn’t covered by the Herald, the newspaper that serves Shenango Valley. Instead, they had a frontpage story about the strike at the NLMK steel plant. The company pulled a fast one in the new contract with a health-care with a really high deductible, which offsets the 3% pay increase. When the company cut off a family’s health benefit the day that an employee died, his colleagues lost it.

Please reach out & help those folks find a new line of work. I’m afraid that your tariffs have not resurrected the steel industry. It’s only a matter of time before all of those jobs disappear. In the meantime, help them resolve their dispute with NLMK. Did you know that company was owned by Russians? What’s up with that?

            Isn’t it sad that the UN’s 75th birthday is being celebrated on-line? I wish you were more enthusiastic about the UN. Even if you get a chilly reception when you give a speech there, at least the world’s leaders have a forum where they can convene and discuss their common issues. It may not be perfect, but it’s better than nothing.




