


            Are you a feminist? Am I a feminist? Will your nominee to the Supreme Court be a feminist? What even is a “feminist?”

These questions come to mind because my BFF wondered if she should call the subject of her historical research “a feminist.” This woman was an “influencer” from Oconto, WI back in the 1890’s. According to Gloria Steinem, “you can’t be a feminist if you say other women can’t have an abortion.” If we stick with that definition, then your Supreme Court pick probably won’t be a feminist, nor would the Oconto “influencer.”

Apparently, only 1 in 5 young women today call themselves “feminists” even though 80% think men & women should have equal rights. They associate the term with “man-hating, lesbianism or lack of femininity,” which is not how they see themselves.

“Feminist” reminds me of that othe ___ist, “racist.” I propose we change the way we use both of these words.  Instead of labeling people, “racist” or “feminist” we can call actions and statements, “racist” or “feminist.” For example, when you called African nations, “shithole countries.” That sounded racist to me. I observe that you tend to say the first thing that pops into you head which often offends BIPOCs. I will call those offensive comments, “racist” & hope you stop making them.

Likewise, with the word, “feminist,” I will not label myself or anyone else as a “feminist.” Instead, I will focus on words & actions. So, my stance on abortion doesn’t make me a “feminist”, but helping a woman who needs one would be a “feminist” act. When I uplift the voices of girls in the math classroom or tell my friend NOT to call her little girl, “bossy,” those are “feminist” acts. So, by this measure, if you nominate a woman to become a Supreme Court Justice, that will be a “feminist” action, & I will applaud it.  




