

Dear Friend, DJT,

            I can see that you are breathing easy this morning. According to AirNow.gov, the Air Quality (AQ) in Las Vegas is “Good”. Our AQI in Davis is 183 PM2.5, unhealthy, & Reno’s is 438, hazardous for everyone. I’m sure you noticed the effects of breathing in those microscopic particles that you were inhaling yesterday while you rallied In Minden. I hope you now better understand the conditions that the 47.8 billion people on the West Coast are facing & will express your concerns.

            I’ve been reading about campaign finance this morning & learned the word, “mammon” from an article in the Guardian. Perhaps you know it. According to Brittanica.com it is a “biblical term for riches, often used to describe the debasing influence of material wealth.” I worry that we confuse money & happiness. Financial security is important, but beyond insuring a roof over our heads and food on our tables, cash does not bring well-being. If anything, it just brings dissatisfaction because you can never have enough. I’m afraid Las Vegas could be seen as a temple for commercial excess. A place where people go to worship the almighty $$. It’s not a good place to spend a Sunday.

            Speaking of $, I’m sure you heard about the article in today’s NYT providing evidence that your campaign has squandered its cash. The $11 million SuperBowl ad being just one of many excesses. Since you aren’t getting the free publicity that you got in 2016, you might want to be more discerning in how you spend your campaign $$. You could start by letting your campaign use Trump venues for free & give back the $4 million the campaign has paid to Trump venues for the past couple of years. I’m sure your donors would appreciate knowing that you were using their $$ wisely.




