

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I just watched SC Senator Tim Scott’s (TES) speech from last night’s convention. I was pleasantly surprised. He kept it positive, upbeat and civil. For a guy who almost flunked out of high school, he’s impressive! He made a good case that today’s America is better than the one that where his grandpa was prevented from going to school & had to pick cotton. While TES’ Opportunity Zones aren’t my favorite vehicle for enhancing high-poverty neighborhoods, I applaud the sentiment behind them. Same is true for HBCUs & criminal justice. He might have gone a bit overboard claiming that the Dems want a “cultural revolution” & “socialist utopia,” but I had to agree with several of the columnists and contributors to the NYT, that his speech was a good one.

            I heard a bit of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s & couldn’t understand why she was yelling as if she was in a convention hall. Is she like several of my family members who have only one volume – too loud? Her message didn’t sit well with me either, so I just shut her off.

            Please call Jacob Blake’s family today to express your regrets that his sons had to witness their father being shot by police 8 times in Kenosha. Perhaps you could listen to the folks in WI who are disturbed by the gun violence that they see all around them. Many in Madison are distraught over last week’s killing of 11-year old Anisa Scott who was caught in cross-fire & Jacob Balke’s shooting has been salt on their wounds. Violence is not the answer.

            I am looking forward to seeing Melania’s speech in the Rose Garden tonight. It’s too bad it will be in the dark so I won’t be able to get a good look at her improvements to the WH grounds. I’d especially like to see the Pope John Paul II rose. Do you know where it is?




