

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I’m afraid you’ll have some overcast, rainy weather for your trip to Mills River & Fletcher, NC today. At least you won’t be facing the heat & smoke that I have to deal with today.

I wish I could be more enthusiastic about the Farmers to Families Food Box Program that you will be highlighting today. Can you help me understand why “Travel Well Holdings, a Santa Rosa, Calif., company that makes wellness products for airport kiosks, received a contract for $12.2 million to make fruit and vegetable boxes” while “ the proposal from Hunger Task Force (HTF), a 47-year-old anti-hunger organization in Milwaukee and WI’s largest food bank for a $37 million contract and was denied?” HTF has an existing supply chain with relationships with dairy farmers & food banks. It seems obvious that they should get a contract. I guess that’s what happens when you give away $1.2 billion in a week. Perhaps things have improved since May when this info appeared in the WP. I certainly hope so.

            So how are you feeling about Kellyanne’s (KEC) resignation? My gut tells me she decided to choose her family & husband over your reelection. I smiled when I read her “less drama, more mama” rationale. It does make some sense that she wants to be around when her “teens & tweens” are doing their on-line learning. Did you hear that her daughter has signed off of social media? That makes me think that the whole family has decided to hunker down in their $7.7 million house with their 2 corgis and wait out the campaign & CV. Apparently, “they live in a part DC where wealth and influence serve as a cooling balm for the partisan inflammation that has spread elsewhere. In their neighborhood, everybody — Democrat and Republican — belongs to the garden party,” (WP) so maybe KEC’s disagreement with GTC about you isn’t a big deal.

            I’m not sure how much of your convention I’ll be able to watch. I find the name-calling rather disturbing.




