

Friend DJT,

            How was your visit to your club yesterday? Did you play some golf?

            What do you think is going to happen in NJ’s primary tomorrow? The 2nd District has an interesting race. I was surprised that the candidates have some differences about whether marijuana should be legalized. I thought that was already settled. I’m excited that a couple of women are vying for the Dem. candidacy. Do you think Mrs. Kennedy’s name recognition will help or hurt? While I appreciate the fact that her husband is a big advocate for mental health care, I find it creepy that he is reaping profits from his efforts.

            Are you getting ready for your meeting with Pres. López Obrador? I love the fact that he flies on commercial airlines, but I worry that he might catch CV during his journey. Good thing that you have everyone tested before they meet with you.

            Please hold my daughter in the Light today as she travels back to the Mid-West. On her trip out here she said that folks did not practice social distancing in the TSA line & many were not wearing masks. I took a count at SMF & observed that about 50% of the people getting off the Automated People Mover (APM) were masked. The APM has close quarters so it’s a perfect environment for transmission. The ride only lasts about 30 seconds so maybe that’s not enough time to catch it. Wouldn’t it be nice to know more about this virus????

            As we continue to make our way through this pandemic, we will try to keep calm & carry on.




