

Friend DJT,

            I need to keep this short so I can go out to pick some beans in the cool morning air and take a trip to the Farmer’s Market to get some corn.

            I see that you canceled your trip to NJ today. I suspect it’s because of the bad weather. Why go to Bedminster to sit inside if you can just do that at the WH?

            A couple of things:

1)    Take a look at Caroline Randall Williams opinion piece in the NYT today. She writes about how her body is a “confederate monument” because her DNA indicates that she is more than half-white showing that she has “rape colored skin.” She says her “very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow.” Reading that piece might help you understand why folks are so incensed that they are taking down statues. I encourage you to remove your “wanted” Tweet about giving “vandals” 10-year prison sentences. Human lives are so much more valuable than hunks of metal. Don’t you think?

2)    Help me understand why we are loaning $10 million dollars to ethanol, coal and metal companies. I thought that money was supposed to go to hospitals and food service companies. I can understand why Luby’s is getting a $10 million loan – when CV hit, people stopped going to Fuddrucker’s, but Ramaco Resources has been losing valuation for the past 2 years as the coal industry has gone downhill. I don’t think we should be investing 8,444,737.00 of our hard earn tax dollars into a dying industry. I might feel better about all of these loans to companies if I knew that many of them were going to minority owned companies. Can you make sure that happens?

Enjoy your Saturday,




