

Friend, DJT,

            I learned a new word today, littoral. You probably heard it yesterday at the ship yard so you already know that it means “near the shore.” Was the boat that you saw one of those fancy Littoral Combat Ships equipped with “rolling airframe missiles”, “Mark 110 guns” & various unmanned systems including underwater vehicles for blowing up mines and submarines. Was all that gear part of the $362 million sticker price or did we have to pay extra? Is the new FFG(X) that they’re going to build at $800 million each really twice as good? Are you sure we need to be spending so much money on “high end” equipment that we never use? Are you sure we want to be sending profits from the sale of these boats over to Italy?  Wouldn’t that $$ be better spent on health care & education? I have communicated this message to you many times, but I keep repeating it, hoping you’ll see the Light.

            It was great to see that all those macho pipe fitters at the Marinette facility are led by a woman! It’s also nice to see that you could be cordial to her even though she’s a Democrat & was on Tony Ever’s transition team.

            I am quite intrigued by Fauci’s idea for mass testing. It makes a lot of sense. Since only 4% of the population has CV, you can pool samples & test a lot more people at a lower cost. Please start promoting that idea.

            I am confused. Why are you trying to take people’s health insurance away right now? I know that you’d love to replace ACA at some point, but to eliminate it when people need health care??? Please help me understand why you are doing that now.




