

Friends, DJT,

            It’s the beginning of a new month. May it be the dawn of a new age. May we get beyond our differences and come together to secure our health and well-being. We have such a long way to get there, but every journey starts with a first step.

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            I have an idea for how you can use your talents to help us heal – heal from the ravages of our new pandemic, CV, and heal from the much older one, racism. Kareen Abdul Jabar (KAJ) wrote that racism is more deadly than CV, and like CV it’s in the air we breathe, “invisible — even if you’re choking on it — until you let the sun in. Then you see it’s everywhere.”

            So, here’s my idea, convene a task force led by BHO & with folks like KAJ, Stacey Abrahms, Val Demings & Sheila Jackson Lee (SJL). SJL just had a news conference with George Floyd’s (GF) nephew in GF’s hometown, Houston. SJL stressed that the police need to come to understand their pledge to “protect & serve” ALL people. You could also include the county sheriff of Flint, MI, who walked with protestors in his city explaining, “We are walking with you because all you’re asking for is a voice and dignity for all, no matter who you are.”

BHO has the grace & oratory skills to bring us together & understands racism in a way you will never be able to. Past presidents have been coming to the aid of sitting presidents for decades. Nixon helped Reagan. Hoover helped Truman. Carter helped Bush. Gibbs & Duffy wrote a whole book about the “Presidents Club” explaining the secret alliances between presidents which make me think BHO would put your differences aside in order to restore some hope to the country.

            The best part of this plan is its shock & awe factor. No one would expect it. You would be showing the world a whole new side of yourself. We need to see that side of you right now.




