

My dear Friend & President, DJT,

            I poked myself in the eye yesterday. I was busy weeding some foxtails and didn’t notice the blunt branch of a rose bush by my face. I made the wrong move and now my eye is red & sore & I feel stupid. Luckily, I can still see, but I’m proceeding with caution trying to be more aware of my surroundings & paying attention.

            I’m afraid you poked yourself in the eye, too, when you contradicted Nurse Sophia Thomas in the oval office yesterday. She was doing her best to diplomatically convey the challenging work conditions they face at Daughters of Charity Health System when she said that supplies of PPE have been “sporadic, but manageable.”

I’m afraid that you didn’t notice you were surrounded by nurses, all of whom have had to let go of the idea of “one mask, one gown, one patient.” As another of the nurses noted, “we’ve had to change the way we do things.” The Daily News called you “petulant” and “grudging” which is not the way you want to be portrayed at an event meant to honor nurses.

            So today, when you meet with TX Gov Greg Abbott proceed with caution. He’s your buddy so you probably won’t offend him, but you might offend someone else. I advise you to stay away from talking about Shelley Luther (SL) & her imprisonment for operating her salon in Dallas. You can’t win on that one. She willfully violated the law, and as the boss of the chief law enforcement officer of the USA, you should be encouraging people to follow the law. At the same time, she’s a shero among your fans, so you can’t say that salons are CV petri dishes & should stay shut for the time being.

I respect CL for her civil disobedience. Courageous people do that when they believe laws are wrong & like those before her, she accepted her jail sentence as the cost of her actions. I just hope she & her customers don’t get sick.

Take care,




