

Friend DJT,

            Do you ever use music to sooth your soul? NPR recommended it on this morning’s show. They played, “Rise Up” by Andra Day. Now that song’s in my head & it’s helping. Another song that I ‘ve been singing lately is Bob Marley’s “3 Little Birds” which reminds me that “every little thing’s going to be alright.” Most soothing of all is the spiritual “There is a balm in Gilead.” You should learn it to “heal your sin-sick soul.”

            What’s up with brave folks getting fired? I was disappointed to learn that you fired Inspector General Michael Atkinson. When he forwarded the whistle-blower’s concerns to Congress, he was just doing his job. I would hope that you want people in your administration to do their jobs.

Do you think Capt. Brett Crozier, the commander of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt (TR), should have been fired for asking that his sick soldiers be removed from his boat? Apparently, TR did something similar when he was in Cuba during the Spanish-American war and insisted that his Rough Riders be taken back to the US before they succumbed to yellow fever.

Did you know that yellow fever killed 1/3 of the population of Memphis in the summer of 1878, and that it still poses a threat to Houston and other Southern cities? Let’s invest lots of the stimulus $$ into companies that make vaccines. The one for yellow fever is cheap, but it’s in such short supply that the WHO has recommended diluting it so everyone who gets it has a year’s immunity as opposed to the life immunity that they’d get from a full dose. We’ll need that on hand as warmer weather makes it easier for the Aedes mosquitos that spread it to survive farther north.  

Has Dr. Fauci helped you understand the difference between an airborne disease caused by bioaerosols and one caused by water droplets? It’s fascinating!

As we approach Holy Week and the spike in CV afflictions, we can thank God for music and science to divert us from the dark side of life.





