

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

Was your meeting with the Energy Execs yesterday a conference call? I couldn’t tell. The folks from OK are under a “safer at home” order so I hope they stayed in OK. Do you think they were in their homes or in their offices? Maybe in their home-offices. I wish my 5th graders had home offices where they could retreat from their families to concentrate on their intellectual pursuits. One boy has 5 siblings and I know he doesn’t live in a 6-bedroom house. He’s really good at keeping a low profile so I can imagine him hiding in a corner to avoid the mayhem. I worry about him and all of the rest of the kids.

Do you ever get tired of being showered with praise? In your meeting I think Vicki Hollub (VH) and Kelcy Warren were the only folks who didn’t get effusive about what a great job you’re doing with CV.  I was hoping to hear what VH had to say. She’s in a precarious position having just done that hostile take-over of Anadarko Petroleum by making some promises to Warren Buffet. These low oil prices might put Occidental over the edge so I’m sure she’s hoping your intervention with your buddies VVP & MBS will stop them from producing so much oil. It’ll be interesting to see what they decide to do.

Filling up all of the nation’s tanks with cheap oil is a good idea. I noticed that Dan Brouillette didn’t answer your question about how much that oil is costing. That was weird.

When you meet with the CEOs of the sports leagues, today, I encourage you to elicit their opinions and advice rather than just talk at them. Why have a “meeting” if you are going to do all the talking?

We are really missing the Final 4 this weekend! Can’t wait for sports to return.





