

My Friend DJT,

            I hope you didn’t inject any disinfectant this morning and I hope no one else did either. I know you’re just trying to be helpful and your brain runs on overdrive, but your remark yesterday was sooo misguided. I’m sure you regret it, so I won’t say anything else about it. 

            The light idea illuminates how we can incapacitate virus particles outside of the body, but please remember that UV- rays cause cancer. I have personal experience with that. Sun worshipping has left an ugly mark on me, & I warn my daughter all the time to wear her sunscreen and her hat. Please listen to Dr Birx & don’t fool yourself into thinking that a sun bath will treat COVID. It may help you produce some vitamin D which boosts your immune system, but otherwise it’s not the answer.

            Fortunately, the heat of summer may slow down the virus so that the 76 different vaccine candidates under development can be tested. I think you & I share a fascination in learning more CV. Today I found out that some of the vaccines contain nothing but the spike proteins which your antibodies recognize and fight off so when intact virus particles come along, you’ve got all the antibodies you need to overwhelm them.

            Aren’t we lucky to have so many brilliant scientists who spend all day every day working on this stuff? I encourage you to respect their expertise and refrain from making off the cuff suggestions about preventions and treatments from the podium of a press conference. I’m sure all of the scientists working on CV would appreciate a humble apology for the disinfectant remark.





