

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,



            Are you busy getting ready for your big speech tonight? I hope you’re not too nervous about it. According to a guy named Kevin Madden quoted in the LA Times, “We’ve seen from the last several State of the Union speeches, the effect that it has on the political universe is very temporary. The message is like cotton candy — it melts almost immediately on contact because the political atmosphere right now is so hot.” So, relax and enjoy the limelight and follow the advice of your buddy, LOG and avoid talking about your impeachment. Also, please don’t say anything about the mess in Iowa – your assertion that it’s all a conspiracy to keep Sanders off the Nov ballot is not helpful! I’m sure Vince Haley and Ross Worthington wrote a great speech for you so keep to the script and everything should be ok.

            Did you hear that Alice Mayhew died? She edited my uncle’s books and many other biographies, popular histories and insider accounts of DC drama. My uncle said, “she puts more time and skill into her editing than any author has a right to expect.” I called her once to get advice on these letters and was surprised to hear her voice on the answering machine at Simon and Shuster. She was still receiving inquiries at age 85. She never got back to me, but then again, I didn’t try very hard to get a hold of her. Reading about her in the WP makes me regret that I didn’t try harder.

            Be your best self tonight,



