

My Dear Friend and POTUS, DJT,

How are things in FL today? Are you going to get to go golfing? It’s gorgeous here so I’ll get out to the garden and get dirty. Have you ever gotten dirty? Maybe as a little boy? The microbes are good for your immune system so you should round up the grand-kids, grab a trowel and do some digging.

Did you see Colbert King’s piece in the WP today asking “should we pray for the president?” I think you should read it. It will help you understand why NPP says she prays for you every day and Cory Booker says he loves you. It also explains why I persist in writing these letters. We are asking God to guide you in the direction of love. The article had a link to Arthur Brooks remarks at the National Prayer B-fast. As you know he argued that we need to overcome contempt which is defined as “the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another” and seek epiphanies, new ways to look at our problems.  We could use a few epiphanies these days and avoiding being contemptuous is a good goal, too.




