

My Dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I hope you are in church right now asking God to guide you. I wish you had more faith in your friends so that you could trust that STM did his best to represent you when negotiating with NPP, CES, AMM & KOM about the stimulus bill. The NYT reports that, up until now, STM had the “unique ability to walk a tightrope between (you) and congressional leaders, serving as an emissary in difficult negotiations,” so it’s too bad that you are contradicting him now. You appear to be a fair-weather friend, which makes it so that folks will start avoiding you. I encourage you to re-examine your ideas loyalty so you can better maintain amicable relationships.

            I am disturbed about what I am reading today about the treatment of folks in nursing homes & hospitals. The AJC had a troubling article about neglected patients. The LAT reported on the 133 CV outbreaks in San Diego facilities & the Guardian featured a story about Dr. Susan Moore, the African-American internist, who just died from CV after complaining about the poor care she received in IN hospitals. She felt that the effects of racism in her treatment & was not taken seriously when she complained of shortness of breath & pain. I hope you will do what you can to shine a light on this problem & create some incentives for improving the CV care that folks are receiving.

            I will hold you in the Light at my Meeting for Worship which starts in 15 minutes.




