

My dear Friend, DJT,

            What’s up with MRP? He’s keeping a low profile these days. The Guardian speculates that he’s going to go back to talk radio where he can fill the hole that Rush is going to leave when his lung cancer progresses to the point that he can’t broadcast anymore. MRP likens himself to Rush on decaf. I got a chuckle out of that. Folks say that his ambition to be President in 2024 is in limbo since you are talking about running again. Maybe you two can go into the media business together – he can do radio. You can do TV. You can have a lot of influence & not have to worry about elections at all.

Today’s NYT indicates that it’s going to be awkward for MRP to have to report the electoral college results to the Senate on Jan 6 if you are still disputing the election at that time. You can help him avoid that by conceding sooner rather than later.

            I encourage you to take a look at the fantastic graphic in today’s NYT that shows how counties have changed their voting patterns over the years. It illustrates that you managed to keep most of the counties that you won in 2016, especially the rural ones. According to the LAT, you actually won 5 Latinx counties on the TX border that have historically been Democratic. Voters like your pro-oil, pro-law enforcement stances because that’s where the jobs are down there. I wonder if JRB has plans to win them back. If you have your media gig, you can talk to them every day. Learning some Spanish would do you brain good & make you even more poular.

            I’m worried about these folks that you are appointing to critical security posts whose qualifications are questionable. Are you trying to stir up trouble? Do you have some plan you aren’t telling us about? Please refrain from launching any new military projects right now. Let’s just focus our attention on containing CV – shall we?




