

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Did you enjoy your visit to Janesville? Did you take a minute to go downtown to see the bridge? It’s too bad that your security requirements make jaunts like that prohibitive.

I hope the folks who attended the rally did not catch CV. WI set a new record for CV cases yesterday. They had more than CA. The Janesville Gazette called South-Central WI, a “cauldron of new infections,” so it’s probable that contagious people attended the rally. Hopefully, being outside in the cold & wind helped minimize the spread.

It’s too bad that your fans have such a hard time understanding CV. I encourage you to call Kenny Cervantes of Riverdale, NE. He’s featured in an article in today’s WP that details how the Sturgis motorcycle rally in Aug. contributed to the spread of CV across the upper Mid-West. He has a whole new attitude toward masks & social distancing since his near-death encounter with CV. He can help you with your CV messaging so it can become “cool” for old white guys who like Harleys to wear masks.

I encourage you to work on your political calculus, especially regarding suburban women. I will give you a quick lesson. Suburban women, like myself,  grew up fearing the violence of men. Therefore, we don’t like the specter of armed misogynists plotting to kidnap a female governor. When we hear you taunting Gretchen Witmer as you did at your rally in Muskegon, we cringe! Some of us didn’t vote for HRC because we didn’t like her. Your nastiness makes it hard to like you. As I’ve told you before, if you want the women’s vote, it’s time to be nice. Saying “Lock ‘em up,” is not nice.

Why not present a whole new DJT to the folks in NV & CA today? You can tell them it was my idea.




