

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            I hope you enjoyed your golf activities yesterday.

            I think the dollar store will have to start calling itself the dollar-fifty store because of this China thing. As I have said before, less consumer merch is good for the environment - not so good for the economy but maybe it's time we put people to work doing things besides working at Walmart.

            How about creating a conservation core to clean up the forests so there's not so much fuel for the fires? That would be a great way to employ those miners who haven't been paid by bankrupt Black Jewel. They know how to work hard.

            I have to go and converse with my Quaker Friends about how to run meetings so that the Spirit can move among us. I'm happy to help you run your next Cabinet Meeting as a Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Business. It would bring a whole new dynamic to the WH. Please give it some thought.




