

My dear friend and president, DJT,

         18 years ago I was in San Diego and heard about the World Trade Center on the radio. I had a hard time imagining it so I turned on the TV and saw the top of the tower burning. I turned it off because I didn't want my 4-year-old to see it. I still haven't seen the footage of the towers falling and I hope I never will.

         I rode my bike to work that day, feeling shaken to the core. When I talked to my husband later, he mentioned the towers had fallen. I told him he was wrong, that I had seen them standing when I left the house. It was too much to imagine. It was like the plot of a James Bond movie had come true, but the evil genius was not stopped in time and committed their crime.

         I hope you'll reach out to Detective Tom Frey, retired NYPD officer, who has pulmonary fibrosis (PF). He was on NY4 visiting the new Memorial Glade at Ground Zero which honors first responders like him who have terminal illness caused by his time searching for remains in the toxic dust. My dad died of PF. It's a debilitating disease because your lungs can't absorb enough oxygen. Tom could use some words of encouragement to continue his efforts to draw attention to PF.

         Thanks for parting company with John Bolton (JRB). He seemed to think that war was the answer. You and I both know that's never true. I have a feeling that you kept JRB in the WH as long as you did to make folks like Senator Tom Cotton and the other three B's who wanted regime change in Iran happy. Hopefully MBS, Bibi and Mohamed bin Zayed aren't too miffed that you gave JRB the boot. I'm sure that MRP is thrilled. Is he going to be your national security advisor now? The NYT claims you'd prefer not to have one. I hope that's not true.

            Be you best self today,




