

My dear friend and president, DJT,

         Did you have fun in NC yesterday? I understand that you made a joke about light bulbs saying, "I look better under an incandescent light." I think I might look better under an incandescent light, too. Right now, we have some kind of energy efficient bulb in our bathroom and I look terrible. I like to think it's the light bulb. It could be that I'm getting old. In any case, I don't mind harsh lighting if it will save the planet. The engineers at UCD's CA Lighting Technology Center are working on spectrally optimizing LEDs so you and I can look great when we look into the mirror. Please give them a call so they can help you understand why rolling back the energy efficiency standards for light bulbs is a bad idea.

         I hope you enjoy your visit with the folks from the HBUCs today. I understand that one of their latest efforts is to team with correctional facilities to offer college courses. Apparently, Shorter College has had a lot of success with this. I hope you will work with Sec. DeVos to expand the Second Chance Pell Experimental Sites Initiative so more incarcerated folk can keep learning.

            I just saw that Barron is now taller than you! Wow! I hope he's enjoying his new body.



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