
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I look forward to hearing about today's cabinet meeting. Will everyone be there? Does everyone have a chance to make a report? Does anyone fall asleep? I hope that you have some meaningful conversations and engage in the kinds of crucial conversations that lead to growth and improvement.

Please ask Ryan Zinke and Sonny Perdue about their trip to the area around Redding, CA affected by the Carr fire. I was sorry to see Ryan blaming the fires on “radical groups” that “don’t want to see one tree come out of the forest.” You and I both know the fires are being exacerbated by climate change. 

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Like you, Ryan needs some help understanding the water situation here in CA. It's too complicated to go into here, but suffice it to say, he is confused. I'm afraid that many of your cabinet members remain confused because they think they know it all. I would love to hear your cabinet members acknowledge how complicated ecological and economic systems are, and to show some respect for science. 

I'm worried that scientists that used to receive federal funding are leaving their positions. According to the WP Sonny's latest plan to move the Economic Research Service headquarters will lead many of the employees to quit. Feeding the world is becoming more challenging as the population grows and the climate changes. Experienced scientists in the Dept. of Ag can help us deal with that situation. Are you sure you want to let your Ag scientists quit?

Hope the meeting goes well,



