
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

What did you think of the primaries yesterday? Isn't it great that Christine Hallquist will be running for Governor of Vermont? I'm proud of those Vermonters for being so inclusive. Not every state would get excited about a transgender candidate. I'm also excited about Ilhan Omar's win in the 5th District of Minnesota. She can help the nation to see that they don't have to fear Somalian refugees. Best of all is Jahana Hayes' win in the 5th District of CT.  Of course, I love the fact that she is a high school social studies teacher who reaches her students because she knows what it's like to be poor. Even better is she emphasizes community service and welcoming everyone by being respectful. She encourages her students to "stand up and make their voices heard." I'm thrilled that despite her lack of political experience she had the courage to run. I hope she wins in the fall.

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I encourage you to read Lindsay M. Chervinsky's perspective in the WP today. She suggests that you follow George Washington's example and actively avoid scandal whenever possible, especially when it involves your cabinet members. She makes some good points which I hope you consider.


I see you are having a light schedule today. I hope you get recharged so you can have the energy to stay calm, cool and collected.




