

My dear friend and president, DJT,

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            I am at DEN, on a 2-hour layover, having a Wolfgang Puck "wild" mushroom pizza. I put the "wild" in quotes because these 'shrooms aren't the least bit wild. Despite the false advertising, it's pretty good. I have been indulging myself in all of my favorite foods this vacation and will go back to my healthier routine when I get home. 

            I am eating comfort food to get over the fact that I lost two perfectly good unsent letters because I did not take properly shut down my computer when boarding the plane in MSN. When will I ever learn???

            As I recall, today's lost letter included a riff on my 6 AM workout at Harbor Fitness Center and a teasing remark to you for taking credit for getting the Shell plant built when it actually started in 2012, when you were having such a good time hosting Apprentice that you decided not to run for president despite being on top of the GOP polls, and I was tending my tomatoes instead of writing letters to the WH. I also wrote you a suggestion to tell Stephen Miller and Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II to back off of the plan to withhold Green Cards from poor folks. Those guys are misguided and don't realize that many of the patient and tender folk providing elder care in this country will be hurt by this. Lots of families depend on them to provide help for their frail loved ones. I am sure you don't want those old folks to have to suffer because their helpers decide to go home.  

             So, lesson learned, I need to save documents. You are so lucky you don't have to worry about such things. I need an assistant to help me get through the airport in one piece. In addition to losing my documents, I also lost my boarding pass for the next flight. Luckily, that's not a big deal but such things make me feel like I am losing my faculties and that's not a good feeling. Do you ever feel that way?

            Ok, time to vacate my table and find another place to hang out.

            Speaking of vacating, hope you are having a good vacay,




