

My dear Friend and president, DJT,



            I'm watching the Women's World Cup. They stopped the action because 2 players knocked heads. The US is dominating but the Dutch goal keeper has somehow managed to keep the ball out of her net. It's exciting! I am rooting for both teams. I have a sweet spot for the Netherlands because my grandma was Dutch, and orange is one of my favorite colors. I hope you are watching, too.

            Did you see the article about Ilhan Omar (IAO) in today's WP? They say she's unlike anyone who has served in Congress before and has a "complicated story." That sounds like you. I think you are unlike anyone who has served as President and that you have a complicated story, too. Come to think about it, we all have complicated stories.

            Among the other things that you and IAO have in common are your "long shot campaigns," your "complicated marriage histories," your tendencies to ""botch basic facts" and your "struggles to see the humanity in your opponents." People demonize you, because you, both, seek out fights that go viral. You both show an angry face to the world, and then have a softer, gentler side that comes out in private places. I think if you met her, you'd like her. 

            When I was in Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago, I took several cab rides with a Somali refugee who had been in the USA for 10 years. He was proud to be represented by IAO and worried about her safety. I hope you'll do what you can to insure that she has a security detail in place. Isn't it great that we live in a country where folks like you and IAO can be elected to office? 

            Have a great day,



