
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,


Did you catch the mistake in yesterday's letter when I called the "Depot District," the "Despot District"? That was a Freudian slip which I will leave you to interpret.


Did you hear Alice Walker on NPR this morning? She was talking to Scott Simon about her new book of poems. The lines in one poem resonated with me. " Can we listen to imperfect humans? I've always preferred them myself." Isn't that liberating? It means that we can listen to everyone and we can stop trying to be perfect to get someone's attention.


Speaking of imperfect humans, perhaps you could acknowledge the imperfections in the people you are campaigning for in Topeka today. Apparently, the guy running for the 2nd Congressional Seat, Steve Watkins, exaggerated his role in building up a military contracting business. Rather than call that fake news, you could just acknowledge that some of us are prone to boasting and it gets the better of us sometimes. It got the better of my uncle, Steven, the writer who boasted about his relationship with Ike. By the way, while you are in Topeka, you should drive out to Abilene to pay your respects to Ike.

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I hope you will mention General Frank Petersen Jr in your remarks today. A new Navy destroyer with his name on it will be christened today in MS. He faced tremendous racial prejudice as he broke the color barrier in the Marines to become their first black aviator. He flew 350 combat missions and raised in the ranks to become a base commander. He was married 4 times so I assume he had his imperfections but his accomplishments warrant commemoration nonetheless.


I also expect you to give a shout out to Susan Collins. I'm not thrilled with her choice to vote for Brett's confirmation but I respect her courage in putting herself in the middle of it all. I hope you do, too.


Enjoy your rally,




