

March 5, 2019

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

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 Did you have fun with the BiZons yesterday? You looked tickled pink to get the #45 jersey. What do you do with all of those jerseys? Are they hanging up in your closet? How did the kids like the fast food spread? I worry that the French fries might have gotten cold, and you know that the concealed grease on a cold fry is pretty unappetizing. Hopefully everyone was so excited about being in the WH that they didn't notice. Did you get a chance to talk to their star receiver, Darrius Shepard? He lost his dad last summer so he could use some encouragement.

 Please follow the suggestion of the editors of the WSJ and "call off the national emergency." They say youare making life difficult for GOP Senators and caution that you are "wasting political capital." It's never too late to change your mind.

 Thanks for putting together your Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS). Before you sign it today make sure it includes something about preventing distraught vets from having access to guns. As you probably know 2/3 of the vets committing suicide use guns and 69% of them are over 50 years old. Perhaps limiting the size of the military would also help us to prevent this problem in the future. I think we should do all we can to help folks, especially homeless vets who never found their way back into society. We've got so many of them in the Bay Area. So, send us some $$ and we can get busy helping our friends in SF's Tenderloin.




