

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            What's up for you today? Your public schedule indicates you'll have an intelligence briefing and lunch with Mike. According to Vox, you like to keep a flexible schedule so you can be "creative." I assume today's creativity will be devoted to final preparations for the State of the Union speech. In my opinion, that's a good use of your time. When I have to give important remarks, I practice on my bike ride. You might want to try that. Get yourself a stationary bike so you can get some exercise while you are learning the speech.

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            I'm afraid that the politicians in Iraq and South Korea are mad at you. The folks in Iraq didn't like your assumption that we can have our troops sitting in their country to "watch" Iran. The South Koreans are not thrilled that you are asking them to pay more $ to have our troops stationed there. As you well know, I would prefer it if you just brought all of those troops back home and put them to work doing constructive things. Then you wouldn't have to deal with Barham Salih or Kim Jong Un. You could focus on building the health, education and infrastructure of the US and we really could be great!!! Do you think we really need to spend as much on our military as the next 7 countries combined? Costa Rica doesn't have a military and they do just fine. Let's start moving in that direction.

            I need to get going while the sun is out. I'd like to avoid the rain on my ride to work.





