

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

         I am getting prepared for an unsettling day. Actually, most days are unsettling right now. If it's not one of your tweets, it's news about an unprecedented weather event or a mass shooting or mistreatment of children at the border. It's tempting to think that these times are extraordinary, but I think humans often feel that way. Folks in the colonies in 1776. Folks all over the US in 1861. Folks all over the World in 1915 and 1942. All faced an uncertain future and somehow managed to get through it. As Bob Dylan would say, "times they are a changing," and maybe I just need to get used to it.

            I am unsettled by today's wind event. PG&E has everybody prepared to lose power. Rather than igniting wild fires, they're just closing up for the day. I think that's prudent but it sure is inconvenient. Maybe it's time to get rid of the power grid and develop self-sufficient power systems. We'll have plenty of wind power today and if we could store up all of that energy we could run our household for weeks.

            I am unsettled about the Chinese and the face recognition software being used to keep track of the Uighurs. The NYT calls the effort, "automated racism." Totally creepy!! Thanks for blacklisting 8 of the companies that create the software and restricting US travel visas for Chinese officials involved in the detention of Uighurs. I love to see you stepping up and protecting some human rights!

            Finally I'm unsettled about according to Saez and Goodman's new book, The Triumph of Injustice, "America’s richest billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class (WP)."

            I don't know what to think of the transparency in Federal guidance and enforcement Ex. Order you're signing today. Will it be another rope tying the hands of regulators who are just trying to protect the public good. Remember our government isn't just about securing the Blessings of Liberty, it's also about promoting general welfare.

            Stay calm,




