

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            I just heard that you finally took my advice about hosting the G7 at the Doral. As you will recall on Aug 27, I suggested that you reconsider that idea. Always best to avoid the appearance of impropriety. I hope you choose to go to Utah - it would be an interesting change of pace.

            I've been reading about Adam Schiff (ABS) since he's been put in charge of the impeachment inquiry. Here's what I learned: Like you he has Hollywood and show biz connections. Unlike you, he's a vegan and does triathlons. Like you, he sometimes dramatizes at the wrong time as was the case when he gave opening remarks before the testimony of Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire at his hearing on Sept 26. Unlike you, he tends to be calm, unflappable and talks like a professor. Like you, he tries to be funny.

            He has a wife named, Eve, which means they are a Biblical couple. He likes to call himself, "Congressman for the Stars and Mars." He sounds like a nice guy to me so I wish you'd stop calling him, Shifty Schiff.

            I just learned that folks are uncomfortable with the ways that MRP and WPB have been mixing church and state. WPB really shouldn't be attacking secularists and WPB should refrain from putting his speech about being a Christian leader on the State Dept webpage. Perhaps you need to clarify the Establishment clause of the First Amendment with them.

            Speaking of church, I need to get going,



