

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I was surprised to see that you are planning to go to Tampa today! I thought FL was a lost cause for your campaign. I’ll be interested to see if your support of a woman’s right to choose can get enough women to the polls to offset all the “Village FL” retirees who have somehow come under the spell of 45.

            While you are in Tampa, please take a minute to go to the Anthony James exhibit at the Imagine Museum. He makes giant illuminated Platonic solids “to give a visual demonstration of the infinite or the divinity inside us all.” His work speaks to me!

            Did you have a good chat with AOC yesterday? Did she help you figure out how to calm the passions of the protesting students who are upset about Gaza? Did you thank her for defending her support of you on Zeteo?

            Speaking of which, have you tuned in to Zeteo? I’m not sure if one “tunes into” something on Substack. My BFF recommended I get onto Substack. Are you on it?

            I have to finish this up so I can plan my class. Today we’ll be talking about minority rights in a democracy & how high schools can ensure that students on their campuses who are in a minority, have an educational experience that affirms their cultural identities.

I was thinking about using Burma as an example of a place struggling with the rights of minorities after reading Scott Mathieson’s piece in the Asia Times about the “troika” of revolutionary groups that couldn’t agree on a plan to change the discriminatory citizenship laws at their recent Assembly.  The existing law breaks citizenship into 3 categories, “(r)acially pure-blooded nationals” are “citizens.”  The two lower categories, naturalized and associate citizens, have “mixed blood” & have fewer rights.

Do you think that could happen here?




