

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            What are you reading these days? Do you ever pick up a novel? I have decided to put down the one I started a few days ago. Written in 2012 by my Dartmouth classmate it’s about a survivalist after an epidemic. Thick descriptions of fishing, hunting & his dog are not capturing my imagination, so I am launching into V. Woolf’s, “To the Lighthouse” instead. Have you read that one?

            Did you enjoy your visit with the Kennedy’s yesterday? It’s too bad that Ethel couldn’t be at the event to voice her opinion about RFK Jr’s candidacy. In my opinion, hers is the only voice that could claim to be speaking for the family. At 96, being on the podium at the MLK Jr. Rec Center might have been a bit too much.

            I appreciated what Kerry had to say about you but I’m afraid she was exaggerating when she said you have “us thriving again, believing again, behaving like good neighbors again.” She was more accurate when talking about her dad’s “moral imagination” & “capacity to understand others.”

I. t was encouraging to see RFK Jr’s social media response to the event yesterday which included, “I am pleased they are politically active — it’s a family tradition. We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other.”

            Did you enjoy the hoagie you got? You know that the nitrites in the ham & pastrami become carcinogenic nitrosamines in your body. Next time you go to Wawa, better to follow the lead of Mayor Parker & get yogurt.

            Please take a look at Reuter’s article about the fragile unity in Myawaddy. They note the “rare cooperation among rebel forces that share a common enemy in the junta but otherwise have different interests” & suggest “KNU officials, rebel fighters & analysts foresee more violence & no easy victory, even as the resistance pushes to coordinate operations & retain momentum.”

            Another reminder that no one wins a war!

            Keep that in mind & don’t give Bibi any more weapons!!!!




