

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            On this Tax Day, please note that according to Responsible Statescraft (RS), the Pentagon’s acquisition & budgeting process needs overhauling. They are wasting our tax $$.

RS also warns our “war machine cannot go on forever… (you) should reconsider enduring global dominance.” The DOD “is not the jobs-producer (you & others) make it out to be. About half of our annual military spending goes to corporations that profit off the US meddling where it shouldn’t... If economic resiliency is the foundation of military strength, we probably shouldn’t put so many eggs in arms makers’ baskets.”

            I found RS today when looking for info on your meeting with IRAQ’s PM Mohammed Shyaa Al-Sudani (MSAS).

I have trouble keeping Iran & Iraq straight. We have complicated relations with both countries. They have complicated relations with each other. I am like most Americans who “no longer understands what national security interests are at stake in the Middle East.” (That’s what the G says.)

The leaders in both countries have a weak hold on power & are desperate. They think that stoking fear of enemies & showing military might will persuade the people to support them. That tactic does not work in the day of the internet. The public can’t be fooled.

            Both countries have a terrible record when it comes to gender equity. Not too long ago the women of Iran were out in the streets protesting the death of Mahsa Amini arrested for allegedly wearing a hijab too loosely. In Iraq the government banned the use of the term, “gender” in all public communications. The weak leaders think they can cow their women into submission. I don’t think so.

I close with the observation that I am not the only one who was disappointed that you & your buddies from Japan & the Philippines neglected to talk about Burma. Today’s World Politics Review calls this oversight, “EGREGIOUS” & “reinforced a perception of indifference.” Please remedy that!




