

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I was surprised to see you in TX today. Why bother?

Mark Cuban (MC) & the other Haley Republicans must have so much $$ that you went into hostile territory to woo them into giving you some of their dough.

FYI, MC is not generous. According to Forbes, he has given less than 1% of his massive wealth away. He sometimes gives away $ to make up for the fact he harasses NBA officials, but otherwise he prefers investing in small businesses that appear on Shark Tank.

What do you think of the speculation that he sold the Mavericks so he can run for POTUS?

            Did MC ask you about your plans to change up the tax laws regarding private jets? I suspect he’s not happy that under your proposal, the Gulfstream V, that he purchased for $40 million online, would be depreciated over a 7-year period rather than a 5-year period & that any private trip he might take on it would count toward income. It occurs to me that guys like MC call every trip a business trip because you never know when a conversation with a buddy at a Pizza Kitchen might turn into a live-streaming enterprise.

            I’m sure the topic of TX SB4 came up at last night’s event & folks weighed in on the wisdom of having TX make it a crime to enter the state illegally. I lost patience with trying to learn about SB4 when I came across the phrase, “the legality of the law.” How can a law be illegal?

            Speaking of crazy laws, the Burmese conscription law is making the news as local officials extort money from those looking to avoid serving in the junta. Conscription didn’t work during our Civil War & it’s not going to work for theirs because WINTA!




