

March 18, 2024


            Can you wrap your head around #s such as $34.5 trillion, the US National debt, or $785 billion, the interest on that debt? Check out usdebtclock.org to watch these #s accumulate. It could be an app designed by the Russians to freak us out. It’s horrifying how fast the totals accumulate. When will we reach the tipping point, when our addiction to borrowing & spending bankrupt us?

            I suspect that you & 45 are avoiding this topic because you’ve made some promises that contribute to the problem. According to the NYT, his 2017 tax cuts are expiring in 2025 & “everyone’s taxes will go up sharply if Congress does not act.” They also point out that your pledge “to make sure there are no tax hikes on people making less than $400,000” will require “at least $1.7 trillion in new revenue over 10 years.” How about cutting back on the $868 billion investment in defense/war?

            Since $ is tight, I appreciate your interest in investing in women’s health care so that diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which strikes twice as many women as men, get researchers’ attention. With more $, scientists can explore the recent finding that injections of menstrual stem cells into the brain corrected learning & memory deficits in mice & helped to remove amyloid plaques. Gross but fascinating!!!

            A couple more things:

Did you really say, “Valerie used to be three years younger than me. Now, she's 20 years younger than me?” Have you not read any of my advice regarding this kind thing?

Try to learn about Dr. Tayzar San, a revolutionary who has been traveling around Burma to promote unity among the various ethnic groups. He says, “it is understood that the journey to freedom is not always straightforward, & compromises & negotiations may be necessary along the way. All individuals must unite & fully commit to the revolution against dictatorship, as winning this revolution is the only way to break free from tyranny.”




