

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            “If you aren’t at the table, you may be on the menu.”

            Have you heard that one? The teacher educators of CA have embraced that idea & are convening in Sacto to lobby our legislature. They are incredibly well organized. They’ve got 3 talking points, 17 appointments & teams of 5 – 6 to go to each office. Their asks include, protecting the $$ in the teacher scholarship fund, investing in the ethnic studies mandate & professionalizing the work of mentor teachers who host student teachers. Not surprisingly most of the folk in the room were XX. But like Helen Reddy suggested, they are ready to roar! Please direct Sec of Ed  Cardona to promote these ideas nationally.

            I was most excited to hear about legislation to eliminate the teaching performance assessment. That thing has got to go! It’s a barrier to entry that we can’t afford any more.

            Are you sure you want to waste your time going over to say hi to the Teamsters today? Sean O’Brien may have been successful getting the UPS workers the best contract ever, but he’s 45’s buddy whose bravado & contempt appeal to those who embrace their toxic masculinity including big rig driver, Chicago Ray, who called for truckers to boycott NYC for its ruling against 45. Since 95% of truck drivers are male & 31% of males claim to be “very masculine,” you’ve got a lot of macho BS in the Teamsters.

            Speaking of macho BS, please do your best to persuade Poland’s President, Andrzej Duda (AKD), that his party’s stance on abortion is oppressive to women.

            As you meet with AKD & PM Donald Tusk, it’s ok to celebrate their 25 years in NATO, but don’t sell them any weapons & help them understand why investing in war is not a good idea.

            VVP is spending 30% of his GDP on arms & the citizens of Russia will tire of that very soon.

            Keep an eye on Burma.




