

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How was your visit to the 1820 Candle Company in downtown East Palestine? According to USA today, you demonstrated your confidence in the cleanup efforts by drinking coffee that had been brewed with tap water. How was it? Kudos to your crew for finding a cool shop in a town of 4718. Most towns that size don’t have much retail.

           According to the WP your detractors were out in force. It must have been hard to see their signs, especially, ““Even My Dog Hates Biden” & “Think of Beau’s chemical exposure.” I hope they heard your oft cited sound bite, “While there are acts of God, this was an act of greed that was 100% preventable."

            It’s too bad that you could’t go there sooner. Some residents feel that the forever chemicals from the train crash have saturated their homes making them unsafe, so they still live in hotels. Please help me understand why you haven’t yet declared a state of emergency so they can get some FEMA assistance.

            Since the news is flooded with info, you may have missed the call from the Committee to Protect Journalists for an independent investigation into the killing of journalist Myat Thu Tan in Burma. His body was found, along with 6 other political prisoners, buried in a bomb shelter in Rakhine State.

            It’s deeply disturbing to see powerful folks silencing their critics by murdering them. I hope that never happens here. I’m afraid some of our fellow citizens do not realize that it could.




