

Feb 13, 2024

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How did things go with King Abdullah II yesterday? ABC News says you, two, are “not on the same page.” A2bAH wants an immediate permanent ceasefire & you prefer something temporary with a hostage exchange. I’m with A2bAH. As I’ve told you before in war, everyone loses, always, so stop talking about “handing Hamas a win.”

            Despite victories on the battlefield, the spoils of war persist long after the last shot is fired. Displaced civilians, wounded soldiers, & desecrated land remain. Worst of all is the elimination of trust that embitters the hearts of everyone affected. My grandfather’s animosity toward the Japanese haunted him until his death in 1981. I remember him swearing about a gift he received because it was made in Japan. For a doctor to harbor that kind of rage was deeply disturbing to me.

            Kyaw Hsan Hlaing alludes to the challenges of post-war recovery in his article in today’s Diplomat. While noting that “a new era is dawning for the people of Myanmar’s Rakhine State.” He points out “deep-seated grievances, fueled by years of oppression, cannot be easily overcome.”

            The same is true in Gaza. Best to stop now before things get worse.

            It looks like you have a quiet day planned. That seems prudent given the big storm heading your way.

            I’m off to see what the 5th graders know about volume.




