

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How is your blood pressure these days? My reading at my Tues dentist visit was 140/80 which got my attention. Upon my wellness buddies’ recommendation, I got a BP cuff which at 7:15 this AM showed a 153/76 reading. I’m scheduling a visit to Dr. Mo.

            On lighter matters, it looks like you enjoyed your visit to Nowhere Coffee in Emmaus, PA yesterday. C-SPAN showed 12 minutes of you schmoozing with the small business owners & taking photos. I envy your gift for that kind of thing! How was the mango smoothie you ordered? I can’t drink that kind of thing, too many carbs.

            WFMZ had two segments on your visit, but they focused more on the protestors calling for a Gaza ceasefire & the Republican running for PA7, than on your message. They are NOT a Fox Station, but my guess is the management leans right.

            Have you read Bernie Sanders (BS) new book, It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism, where according to the G he calls for “the Democratic party to wean itself from ‘corporate elites’ & redirect its sights on to working-class struggles.?” BS thinks, “We’ve got to see the White House move more aggressively on healthcare, on housing, on tax reform, on the high cost of prescription drugs” in order to beat 45. He says you need to adopt FDR’s approach to getting reelected & don’t go around saying, ‘Look at all I’ve done’,” instead say, ‘I see a nation that is ill-clad & ill-housed. We made some progress, but I know there are enormous problems.’

            On a different matter, I am wondering about war terminology. Why does “war” have to be “declared.” When it has not been “declared,” what do we call bombing military targets? What is the official designation of our attacks on the Houthis?

What is a “ceasefire” & who gets to decide when it has failed? Is the ceasefire over that the 3 Brotherhood Alliance & the junta agreed now that the military fired heavy weapons into villages in 4 townships where the Ta’ang National Liberation Army is operating?




