

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I hope Captain Larry Taylor didn’t catch CV while he was at the WH yesterday. That pesky virus manages to sneak up on folks when they least expect it. He seemed profoundly moved by receiving the medal. It’s too bad that he is in such a frail state that he has limited energy to celebrate.

            Speaking of frail folks, are you worried about AMM3? HIs recent “freeze” has all the media outlets reporting on America’s “gerontocracy,” & speculating on whether Sens DGBF & CEG should step down. Bret Stephens’ opinion piece on why so many Americans are so down on you, includes the observation that you are not young for your age. He also says that under your watch, the world has gotten more dangerous.

            To the extent that more nations have more weapons, the world is a more dangerous place! I worry that your special visit to Vietnam will include selling them helicopters. While it may be true that their old Russian gear is wearing out, Cap. Larry Taylor can tell you the dangers of equipping them with the latest technology.

            Their neighbors in Burma are also keenly aware of the dangers of providing misguided generals with air defense abilities. Defense can quickly run amok when military leaders feel threatened by their own people.

            According to Human Rights Watch, Vietnamese leaders have already demonstrated their sensitivities to critique by “holding at least 159 political prisoners for exercising their basic rights & liberties after being convicted in trials that do not meet international fair trial standards. 23 other people are being held in pretrial detention on politically motivated charges.” Best not to sell them any weapons even if they promise to use them against China. WINTA!




