

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            9/11 – our memories of that terrible day 22 years ago are fading. So much so I had to scroll past, “How to save on appliances, without sacrificing quality” & “The real reason(s) food allergies are on the rise” & many other articles before finding, “From the Archives: How 9/11 conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality” on WP’s website. That article introduces a short film about “broader attacks on evidentiary reality that we’re facing today.” A piece from last week, “It’s a real possibility that our next 9/11 could arrive from within” is equally chilling.

            The last trip I took to NYC was in 2008 & I was too busy attending a conference to get down to the site of the former World Trade Center. By the way, the NY Daly News notes that you should be there today rather than in AK. I hope the families of the victims find some comfort in KMH’s presence there today.

            I will be in NYC on Oct 1. Do you think I should head down to Ground Zero? How much time will I need? My heart hurts just thinking about it.

            I’m sorry to see your opposition trying to make a big deal about the abrupt end of your recent press conference & poking fun at the music that your aides put on to drown out the sounds of reporters. I watched it on CNN & thought it was ok. No biggie!

            Speaking of biggies – the deal you are brokering with Saudi Arabia & Israel to secure the the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal & the Bab el-Mandeb Strait sounds huge. I hope it works out.

            Did you see that Burma just got their 2 new jet fighters from VVP? Please do all you can to cut off the aviation fuel needed to fly those things.

            Also, please do NOT sell any weapons to Vietnam! WINTA!




