

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Are you embracing the paradoxes of life? Are you finding a way to make peace with China while you treat them as our biggest security threat? Do you have a plan for how to get corporations to profit from green energy while also treating the environment & their laborers with respect? Can we have our cake & eat it too? Can you help our fellow citizens to see that they have to make some compromises?

            Have you heard of the “disruption index”? I read about it in the CSM today in an article about how China is unleashing its scientists to do their own thing. The disruption index is “the degree by which a paper supersedes previous publications as later literature will cite that disruptive paper rather than previous literature.” That’s a fancy way of saying that disruption in science is a good thing. Thomas Kuhn called it a paradigm shift & we have seen fewer of the since WWII. As noted by Anjana Ahuja in The Financial Times, “rather than minting revolutionary ways of thinking, science & technology are increasingly polishing the same conceptual pennies,” Please consider what you will do to address this issue.

            Please check in with East Timor’s President, Jose Ramos-Horta to get his thoughts on Burma. He has been talking to the NUG so he may have some insights in constructive next steps. Keep in mind WINTA!!!

            I’m having an action-packed Sunday, so I am signing off.





