

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I got a smile out of your effusive comments about your happiness with the “great, great meeting” that you had with your buddies at Camp David yesterday. It’s too bad that only the WP reported on it today.

            Did you all talk about Burma? According to my Google search you have not made any public statements about the situation there for a long while. The people there would appreciate knowing that we care.

            I hope you enjoy your visit to Lake Tahoe this weekend. I’m sure Tom Steyer’s house is lovely. Will he be there, too? If so, I hope he talks your ear off about his plans to address climate change. I just learned about his latest business venture, Galvanize Climate Solutions, & plan to look into it. Please discuss how we might build on the success of Held v. Montana to promote climate action through the courts.

            As you lounge around, take a look at David Brooks’ latest piece in the Atlantic where he suggests our nation is suffering due to the demise of moral formation. He writes “a culture that leaves people morally naked & alone, leaves them without the skills to be decent to one another.” He argues, “training the heart & body is more important than training the reasoning brain” & “we (need to) learn to see others deeply, …to envelop others in the kind of patient, caring regard that makes them feel seen, heard, & understood.”

            You & Tom Steyer have strong moral compasses. I hope you chat about how to educate others to develop them.




