

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I continue to ponder the wisdom of giving taxpayers’ $$ to Occidental Petroleum in the hopes that they will decarbonize. Do they have a “green mindset”? Verena Augustin from PwC says, “we need to shift into a low-ego, high-impact mindset… (where people have) the capacity to think and act more holistically & systematically…” I’m not seeing that at Occidental.

            We need folx with “transversal skills that draw on a range of knowledge, values & attitudes to facilitate environmentally sustainable decisions in work & in life.” That’s what the UN says as on its “Green skills for youth: Towards a sustainable world­­” website.

            By the way, the UN put the website up for International Youth Day which was on Saturday. It seems we both missed that opportunity to join with UN Secretary-General António Guterres to “support & stand with young people in shaping a just & sustainable world, for people & planet. "

Someone at the WH fell down on the job. You should be making statements like the Acting President of NUG of Burma who said “the NUG honors young people, their sacrifice, innovation & determination in the Spring Revolution will leave an indelible great history for the future of federal democracy.”

Speaking of the future of democracy, have you read about the shenanigans that led to the death of Joan Meyer, owner of the Marion County Record? Local officials illegally seized a bunch of stuff from her house, which she likened to “Hitler tactics” to intimidate her. The stress of it was too much for her elderly mind & body. In writing about it in the KCS, Melinda Henneberger, reminds us “the death of so many newspapers is not at all unrelated to the golden age of corruption in which we live.” Please make some noise about this.

I’m off to support the math learning of our youth so they learn to problem solve & develop their “green skills.”




