

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Are you getting some rest after your whirlwind trip? Time at Camp David will do you a world of good.

            Please consider Dana Meadows’ idea to LIMIT GROWTH! I know that’s anathema to a capitalist, but she modeled “12 possible future scenarios of key interactions between global variables for population, technological development, industrial output, food, non-renewable resources, & pollution, spanning the period 1972 to 2100.” We are now in the “business as usual” scenario which will end in “collapse.” We could turn toward the “sustainability scenario,” but we need to act now. The Club of Rome continues to explore this. Please have your people contact them.

            Have you seen the KCS news about the Panasonic electric car battery plant in DeSoto KS, where each job created will cost taxpayers $2 million? They also say that Panasonic “could be in line for $8 billion in support from local, state & federal governments” & that much of the work in the plant could be done by robots. It’s this info that makes me think we shouldn’t be trying to spend our way out of climate change. Conservation is key!

            Today’s article in the NYT, “‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against China” makes me wonder if our techno world is running amok. They claim that the export controls that went into place on Oct 7, 2022, could rock the world. Is that why Janet Yellen spent 10 hours talking with Premier Li Qiang last week? Speaking of which, have you spoken with her about that? Josh Hawley says she “groveled,” but we both know he's not a reliable source. 

            Speaking of unreliable people, did you see that the junta’s Central Bank revoked the licenses for foreign currency exchange of 10 companies. They are getting desperate which does not bode well for the people of Burma. Please continue to monitor that situation.




